Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows

Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows

Campocavallo di Osimo (AN)

The Miracle

Back in June 1892… At the end of the nineteenth century, the village of Campocavallo, situated in the valley of the river Musone in the Italian Marche region, not far from the towns of Loreto and Osimo, was not much...
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Things to be seen

La Cappella del Prodigio “…Una ventina d’anni prima dei fatti prodigiosi, un tal Nazzareno Taddioli aveva acquistato un fondo rustico con l’intenzione di ritirarvisi a vita privata. Da persona molto religiosa e pia, pensò di...
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Info & Contacts

Contact us Shrine of the Sorrowful Vergine Mary of Campocavallo Via Cagiata, 101 60027, Osimo (AN) Rector  Fr. Domenico Maria Spadafina of the Francescan Friars of the Immaculate Opening hours The Shrine is open from 6:00am...
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